January & February Reading List 2025
JANUARY (0 books | 0 pgs) N/A FEBRUARY (4 books | 1,023 pgs) 01.) The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (Novel, 487 pgs) | 5/5 02.) At the Mountains of Madness (for Beginning Readers) by RJ Ivankovic (Novel, 142 pgs) | 5/5 03.) Mothmeister: Sinister and Spiritual Post-Mortem Fairy Tales by Mothmeister (Art, 272 pgs) | 5/5 04.) House of Rot by Danger Slater (Novel, 122 pgs) | 2/5 * The start of this year has made it hard for me to focus on reading. Rather, the state of the world on a daily basis has made it difficult for me to focus on anything other than prepping for worst case scenarios in a number of situations (fiscal, physical, occupational, etc). But getting to finally finish Zafon's first entry in the Cemtery of Forgotten Books series was really nice as I truly love his prose. March is a wide open month with not a lot happening across its weeks, so hopefully I'll find more time to read through the new books I bought while in Portland, along with several oth...