The Liminality's Baked In

Life is transactional; every part of it comes with a cost. 

Your first transaction comes as soon as you exit the womb. Have you been born into poverty somewhere in the world where water is scarce or do you find yourself amongst the obscenely rich? Your life comes at a cost, and so too does anything you choose to do with that life. 

Each decision you make is another transaction. 

You want this trip? Work these hours at this job for this long. 

You want that body? Spend these hours in the gym and eat these foods. 

You want this level of success? Know you may have to lose some friends to get it done. Know that you may have to forget the idea of starting a family. Know that you may have to forget being as social as you once were. You get better at saying 'no' to the short term things and 'yes' to the longer term things. 

You want this intangible goal that you must strive for? Good. Understand that it comes at a cost. You may lose a lover (or several) or you may inadvertently turn an old friendship to ashes. You may end up sacrificing your long-held morals for just this one moment...

Each choice comes with a cost. Each decision shapes the next transaction waiting down the line. 

Which stop you getting off at? 

*    *    *    *    *

There are a number of days where I wish that I was less observant, less imaginative, and less able to read the behavior of the general public. It's the imagination that'll do you in the hardest. You ever just played through a really awful hypothetical over and over and over again in your head? Like you keep turning it around, viewing it from all angles to try and figure out the best solution, but it just remains ALL BAD? 

I dunno. I have many things on my mind, but can only seem to really express them through color right now. More days of blissful ignorance would be nice...right? 

*    *    *    *    *

Replaced the gutters and downspouts and had gutter guards installed. Had landscaping done to the front yard. Removed the railroad ties and the shitty vegetation, replaced it with some really nice gray stonework with black cappers. Low maintenance shrubs and plants replaced the overgrown nonsense and it's made a world of difference to the yard. They even connected my new downspouts to the underground drain syphoning off water from the driveway. All of this should do a fair amount to mitigate any potential leaking around the foundation (I noticed a small amount earlier this year). 

Reading remains tough, as does any fiction writing. I really don't know how to explain this; I hate it so much. It's like I'm being forced to become a different version of myself rather than being allowed to shift into it naturally and at my own pace. 

But I'm painting again. I'm spending more time on the canvases, trying to achieve more specific detail. Trying a few new things to see if I can add them to the skills kit. Some winners, some losers. All in service to the CREATION. 

*    *    *    *    *

I've started playing in livestreamed TTRPG games on Twitch. The main campaign, a five-episode mythos horror jaunt through the Miskatonic Shoreside Conservatory. Had a really good time doing it and a really good table of people to do it with. We had some really great post-episode conversations as well, but those are online and accessible only to the Symphony Entertainment Patreon backers. 

I've also been involved in a few Saturday afternoon one-offs we're calling "Symphony Sonatas." Horror played out in 60 minutes and it's absolutely hilariously off the wall version of the regular campaign. These episodes are more like bad B-Movies and we've had a blast with all of them so far. 

I'm including links to everything below should you wish to check any of them out. 


Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

SYMPHONY SONATAS: 60-Minute Horror

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3: (Airing 10.1.22 on our Twitch Channel - flyer below)

And another one that's upcoming, written by our very own Rina Haenze for the 7th Edition of Call of Cthulhu. Airing Sunday afternoon, October 23rd at 2pm EST / 1pm CST on our Twitch channel



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