The Liminality's Baked In

Life is transactional; every part of it comes with a cost. Your first transaction comes as soon as you exit the womb. Have you been born into poverty somewhere in the world where water is scarce or do you find yourself amongst the obscenely rich? Your life comes at a cost, and so too does anything you choose to do with that life. Each decision you make is another transaction. You want this trip? Work these hours at this job for this long. You want that body? Spend these hours in the gym and eat these foods. You want this level of success? Know you may have to lose some friends to get it done. Know that you may have to forget the idea of starting a family. Know that you may have to forget being as social as you once were. You get better at saying 'no' to the short term things and 'yes' to the longer term things. You want this intangible goal that you must strive for? Good. Understand that it comes at a cost. You may lose a lover (or several) or you may...