The Chaos of Current Dreams

My sleep has been absolute garbage for a while now. Previously, there's been a pattern of going to bed at a relatively normal hour (for me) around 10 or 11 and then waking up around 4 or 5 to get an early start on the day the way I tend to do. Recently, however, I'll fall asleep and then be awakened an hour or two later, shaken awake out of some chaotic fever dream, most of which I've forgotten, but this week's have been vivid and memorable for some unknown reason. A single moment in one found me in the middle of an important test, one that I'd studied for, but for which I found myself woefully unprepared. I could feel the immensity of my anxiety even in the dream state. Another moment found me outside on a tarmac, watching this behemoth of a machine composed of rusting metal; copper, steel, brass. All kinds stitched together with what seemed like bad soldering and frayed shoelaces. It was a monstrosity of machine parts, many of which looked like the nose o...