
Showing posts from October, 2024

Horror Movies for the Fall, Pt. III

  Sorry this one's a little late y'all. I ended up getting sick for a couple weeks in September, which put me out of commission for a little bit. But, as promised, here's a follow-up to my last batch of horror movies for the fall. Some I saw earlier this year, but the majority are new for me. Some of the older classics may surprise you, even though they've been on my "to watch" list for a good long while. It's been difficult to watch a lot of long-form content the last few years, so this has been a fun endeavor. Hopefully you're finding some good stuff amongst these selections.  My aim is to do this weekly for as long as I'm able to watch enough content leading up to, and including, the week of Halloween. I'm open to recommendations if you've got'em! *     *     * Late Night with the Devil (2024) 3/5 [Shudder] The pacing, set design, and cinematography on this one were top-notch. The story gets marks for being interesting, as does the a