Reality Denied Comes Back to Haunt

I've been thinking a lot about a previous post recently. The aspect of burying myself in my work when a life catastrophe happens, in particular. More exactly, I've been thinking a lot about my behavior and how that manifests. I saw a therapist for a while. Saw a couple, actually, with only one of them really jiving with me. And she was great. We got right down to my percieved issues in need of addressing and talked about habits (work and play) and feelings/reactions to life things in general. And also about all of those things happening now as compared to a year ago, shortly after mom died...and then again about the time shortly after dad died. She posited (not most situations) that perhaps the writing had gone away because I no longer find myself in the same kind of struggles as previous. I am mostly happy; I have a job that I love, I have a stable housing situation, a stable transport situation, I make good money, and I'm creating in other ways. And whi...