A Time of Fire & Ruin

John Minchillo / AP I've been trying to avoid posting things that are personal to me at the moment - no new mixes, no new writing, no nothing - in an effort to keep the conversation on the protests revolving around the death of George Floyd (and numerous others in the last several months). I've been firmly focused on the events happening in my own downtown area, as well as those of other cities across the country (and the world, at this point!). But I think this is an important thing to speak on, if only because I'm sure others are feeling it too. When I moved into this apartment right before quarantine, I thought I was mentally prepared to be cooped up until August. In fact, I told my coworkers that's how long I thought it would probably last and that I was ready for it. I moved into this new place because it had a (tiny) gym and a pool and teh apartment was spacious enough for my current needs. I expected to be bunkered up with my books and my vinyl and my movi...